14 June 2007

Inaugural Post

I heard through the grapevine that yahoo photos was closing up shop, and sure enough, it is going bye-bye this fall so yahoo can concentrate on its new baby, Flickr. I like Flickr, but it is already almost photo-blogging, and I use my account primarily for pictures of my kid. My husband set up our yahoo account so we could point people to our travel albums there, rather than email the million-and-two photos per trip.

While wrestling with the thought of what to do with the 2300+ (!) photos currently in our yahoo account (transfer them to Photobucket—duh!), it occurred to me that rather than let them languish in an online photo album, I should blog them. I have been kicking around the idea of a travel scrapbook for ages and ages, even scoring a CD from my scrapbooking-guru friend for making one digitally (thanks, WesTexGirl!); I even thought about building my own website. But I finally realized that a travel blog is the best solution for me. I can include photos, journaling, links, whatever catches my fancy. And I can finally find a home for the jillions of photos moldering in my closets and on my hard drive.

Caveat: I am not a professional photographer or travel writer, so you will be getting the ultimate first-hand tourist experience. I also thought friends and family might like to see what we’ve been up to in the 4 years we’ve been overseas. I will probably go back and steal stuff from my other blog, which is not primarily a travel blog, so you may see a few repeats, but probably not too many. I will also try not to overdo it with the photos—I know not everyone has a fast Internet connection—so I will still be organizing the bulk of the photos in photo albums, only on Photobucket instead of yahoo. I guess I should think about upgrading my account...

And to show that one doesn’t absolutely *have* to go far to find someplace interesting and beautiful, here is the view from our sunroom.


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